Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Another Day at NSLC

Sorry, we have been so delayed on keeping up with the blog posts. To sum of the many events of three days ago, first, we had a group leadership activity at 9 in the morning which involved writing a 1 minute speech about a random topic assigned to you. Not having eaten much of anything, and hardly able even manage the simple task of holding my head up, this was a very difficult thing to do. We had 1 minute to write the speech and I ended up unable to read my own handwriting, and stumbling over my very eloquent thoughts about ethics in media (my topic.) Lack of sleep was my major malfunction.

Then, we all migrated, slowly, to the next leadership activity involving dancing down the length of two rooms alone, while not copying any dance move done by people before you. It ended up in some stellar dance moves (by Matt Barrier especially.) The entire group went one by one and it ended up as one big dance party. With the lights on. At 10:00 AM. On a Saturday. Just saying.

Then from there it was a lunch of which I ate three sweet potato fries and a bite of a burger. Not a satisfying meal.

And then to Arlington Cemetery where we got to take a full tour and even witness the changing of the guard which is one of the most intense and moving ceremonies I have ever witnessed. The seriousness, the formality and the perfection of the military tradition makes any person who has knowledge of military procedure. It was awesome. It literally inspired awe.

From there we went back to the buses, hot, hungry and tired. The bus was uncomfortable and the trip from Arlington to our next stop seemed much longer than it was in actuality. Our next stop was the Baltimore Harbor. En route, 'that's what she said' must have been uttered more than 'Amen' is said at a church. It ended up being a competition between me and a girl Rien (Ryan). The score of the TWSS match was 43-32 when we stepped into the heat of Baltimore Harbor.
I was told that the place to go when you went to the Baltimore Harbor, besides the aquarium, was a restaurant named "Dick's Last Resort." i was told that the waiters insulted you and we're mean and threw a lot of unnamed stuff at you.
It sounded like a good time.
And it was. I had the menu options yelled at me, an amazing rack of ribs and napkins showered across the entirety of our table and the surrounding area. Someone even threatened to sell a baby when it got out of its seat and proceeded to yell at the mother "BE A BETTER PARENT!"
An all around good time indeed. I had amazing ribs and was marveling at the attractiveness of working at Dick's. Until one of the people I was with got violently sick from the oh so famous Baltimore crab cakes. And then another one had her period. In white shorts. In a Barnes and Noble. Then I had to help my friend regain balance and quell the nausea while Matt had to coach the other through a 'crisis.'
The entire bus ride home was filled with a good conversation with my sick friend about music and movies and random topics. According to Matt, the girl on her period asked for Advil and was handed Oxycontin by a guy who just had his wisdom teeth out. And according to Matt, she knew what it was and popped it anyway, leading to reenactments of the entire Wizard of Oz in the voice of Dorothy.
The last activity was a diatonic (?) conversation with two people from our assigned groups. A fun activity to end the night.

Be Seeing You

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."

-Albert Einstein 

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